Our Name
How GREEN BUFFALOW was born:
When we came together to collaborate on this exciting venture, we were faced with the mountainous task of choosing a name. We had many late night meetings trying to pick the perfect name to encapsulate all our ideas and goals in one place... then one night, our name picked us.
While doing research, we happened upon a historical story of the first known documentation in the U.S., of a wildland fire. Captured from the Lewis and Clark journal entry in 1804, it stated "... a boy went unhurt in the midst of the wildfire flaim... because a green buffalow skin was thrown over him by his mother. The fire did not burn under the green buffalow skin, leaving the grass around the boy unharmed". We knew immediately GREEN BUFFALOW must be our name because who we are, was already enveloped in that name: Protectors who use ingenuity to give REFUGE and COMFORT for STRENGTH, to those who are in harms way.
Our logo was also a bit of an adventure as well. We worked long and hard with our graphic designers to develop a logo that would stand out among our competition. It also had to be purely "us", just like our name. So when you look at our logo, see if your can find the mirrored image of the boy whose life was saved from that GREEN BUFFALOW skin. He is ever present throughout our line, because he represents those who have come after him... those who we are working to protect.