In the News

Green Buffalow is honored to be serving those who serve us. We have been working in the background for you for years. Listening to needs and developing wildland fire gear with the best fit possible has been our goal. Also, we have been petitioning the NFPA, attending their meetings, and presenting our findings to them. We have done all this to try to help them create rules and regulations to allow for a better fit for firefighter uniforms for women and men. Please follow along with us on this journey. It's been quite a trip already... and we can't wait to see where this path leads!
"Member Spotlight With Green Buffalow: Revolutionizing Wildfire Uniforms with Smart Design" : WIC (Wildfire Industry Collective)
October 2023: WIC highlights Green Buffalow's passion for helping the Wildland fire community and a little insight on behinds the scenes. It is such an honor to be apart of an amazing group of businesses and professionals who dedicate their lives helping to improve working conditions and products of those who protect us. "
"Green Buffalow: Changing the One-Size-Fits-All-Game of Wildland Firefighting PPE with Korena Hallam and Summer Hurd": Anchor Point Podcast
July 2023: Anchor Point Podcast interview with Green Buffalow founders Korena Hallam and Summer Hurd, learning the "why" behind what they do and how they want to make a difference. Being our first podcast we were pretty nervous, but thanks so much to Anchor Point Podcast for being so amazing at what you do, making us feel right at home, and being such a great impact on the fire community.
"Female Wildland Firefighters Are Stuck with Uniforms Made for Men. That is About to Change.": NAUMD (Network Association of Uniform Manufacturers & Distributors)
July 2022: NAUMB detailed in their newsletter how Green Buffalow is leading the charge and changing the Wildland industry. It is always such an honor to be recognized for doing what others wouldn't do.
"Female Wildland firefighters are stuck with uniforms made for men. Now, a Fort Collins duo is shaking up the industry" by Stephanie Butzer: Denver Channel 7
June 2022: Denver Channel 7's Stephanie Butzer wanted to discuss with us what we were doing and the impact that we are having on the industry. We were happy to meet with her at Horsetooth Reservoir in Fort Collins to explain more about what we are doing and why. Stephanie and the rest of the crew did an amazing job putting together the article and video. A special thanks to all of them!
"Recipient of Johnnie Walker First Strides Program Grant": IFundWomen
May 2022: Johnnie Walker First Strides builds on the impact of the Jane Walker by Johnnie Walker ‘First Women’ Program, which championed the many women who continue to break glass ceilings in order to achieve monumental firsts. First Strides continues to celebrate the achievements of women and all those pushing boundaries towards gender equality and blazing trails for more seconds, thirds and fourths to follow.
"IFundWomen Entrepreneur of the Year Semifinalist 2021": IFundWomen
October 2021: IFundWomen is a funding platform for women entrepreneurs. We are truly blessed to be selected among the few and very talented women. IFundWomen is an incredible platform dedicated to helping women entrepreneurs succeed to increase the amount of women owned businesses by giving them more access to funding and business coaching.
"Company Designs Firefighting Gear for Women": Specialty Fabrics Review
August 2020: What a surprise to be selected to be in this publication by the Industrial Fabrics Association International. We are definitely in good company! Take a look to see all the amazing things happening in the advances in this industry worldwide
"Life and Work with Korena Hallam and Summer Hurd": Voyager Denver
April 2020: Check out this fun article that really helps you get to know who Green Buffalow is and why we are working hard to create the best fitting Wildland Fire gear for all
"Green Buffalow Leading the Charge in Changing Female Wildland Firefighting Uniforms": Press Release
March 2020. We are so excited to have this press release out to the media so they will be aware of the need for proper fitting PPE for women's firefighter apparel
"Entrepreneurs develop improved gear for women firefighters": bizwomen
March 2020. Honored is the best way to describe how we feel about being picked up by bizwomen, and to help bring light to the topic of needing a good fit for women's wildland fire pants and shirts